This is an example of a sprite chasing the other sprite. The blue sprite draws a circle repeateatly, whilst the red sprite shoots out from the origin and back, following the blue sprite's path. The example on the right is a looping growing pattern.
These are the scripts used for the two live animations above.
The first two scripts are part of the first animation.
The first script dictates the action of the red sprite, which follows the blue sprite forever by going 150 steps in the direction of it, and then repeating that forever.
The second script dictates the action of the blue sprite, causing it to forever repeat in a circular pattern.
This long scipt is what is responsible for the pattern on the right. It is the repeating of triangles outside larger triangles, outside larger triangles, outside larger triangles, outside larger triangles, outside squares, outside larger squares and so forth.
It will continue on forever if you let it, so be careful.
The pattern is very evident if you look hard enough, and is especially easy to see at the very beginning (initiated by clicking the green flag in the top right corner).
This is the first Snap! project I was assigned. It is a game you play by clicking on the sprite and trying to keep clicking it. It speeds up the more successful you are, and slows down if you aren't as successful.
This is the script for the game to the left. If you look close enough, it's pretty self explanatory. The only thing that may be confusing is the variables, especially since I have only 2 of them showing on the actual game (the other is hidden).